Two academics from ANU to the Royal Society of London

Monday, April 23, 2012

Two Australian National University academics are today been elected to the Royal Society of London, the longest standing scientific academy in the world.

Professor Brian Schmidt of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics and Professor Hugh O’Neill, Associate Director of the Research School of Earth Sciences, are among 44 scientists from around the globe who have been honoured by the Society for their contribution to science.

Professor Schmidt was elected for his part in the discovery that the Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate; this work was also recognised with a Nobel Prize last year.

The Society elected Professor O’Neill for his contribution to the field of geology. Professor O’Neill’s work includes research into the chemical composition of the Earth and how the Earth differs from other possible planetary compositions, the origin of the Earth-Moon system, and how melting in the Earth’s mantle relates to global tectonics and Earth history.


Professor Brian Schmidt
Professor Hugh O'Neill

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The Facebook messenger to chat from your desktop

This is not the first application from facebook which is running out of the browser, even though it says Messenger, its covers the other main features from your fb account, notification messages and friend request.

The 'docking' function is really cool. Like the 'always on top' in other application this docking will enable the messager window always on left, so the other running application will fill and work on the rest of your screen. But still the user may need an 'always on top' behavior where the actual chat window - which pops out when you click over your friend - goes behind the other application. Also this program will show a pop-up notification when your friends 'Like' and 'comment' your posts.